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What are the precautions for transporting dangerous goods?

[点击量:548]    [来源:www.adp.com.cn]
In the work of freight forwarders, the term "dangerous goods transportation" is often heard. In fact, dangerous goods transportation is a type of special transportation, which refers to the transportation of unconventional items by specialized organizations or technical personnel using special vehicles.
Generally, only after strict review by relevant national functional departments and possessing corresponding facilities and equipment that can ensure the safe transportation of dangerous goods, can one be qualified for the transportation of dangerous goods.
1、 Common types of hazardous materials
Dangerous goods are divided into the following types based on their different properties:
According to the two national standards of GB13690-2009 "Classification and Marking of Commonly Used Hazardous Chemicals" and GB6944-2005 "Classification and Product Names of Dangerous Goods", chemicals are classified into 8 categories based on their hazard:
① Explosives
② Compressed and liquefied gases
③ Flammable liquid
④ Flammable solids, spontaneous combustion materials, and flammable materials in contact with moisture
⑤ Oxidants and organic peroxides
⑥ Toxic and infectious substances
⑦ Radioactive materials
⑧ Corrosive products
2、 Precautions for transportation of dangerous goods
The safety of dangerous goods transportation is always the top priority, and there are strict operating procedures in every link from loading and unloading, transportation to midway or terminal stops. The precautions for transporting dangerous goods include the following:
Attention to packaging: Dangerous goods should be packaged in a safe manner according to their nature, transportation distance, and road conditions before shipment.
Attention to loading and unloading: The roads, lights, signs, and fire-fighting facilities at the hazardous material loading and unloading site must meet the conditions for safe loading and unloading.
Attention to vehicle use: Suitable vehicles must be selected for transporting dangerous goods.
Attention to fire prevention: Dangerous goods should not be transported on fire. When loading and unloading dangerous goods, non sparking tools should be used. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the carriage, and vehicles should not be near open flames, high temperature areas, or places exposed to the sun.
Attention to driving: Vehicles carrying dangerous goods should be equipped with the signs specified in GB13392-92 "Road Transport Dangerous Goods Vehicle Signs".
Attention to leakage: When dangerous goods are found to have leakage during shipment, they should be properly handled according to their different properties.
Attention to parking: Vehicles carrying dangerous goods are not allowed to park in schools, government agencies, markets, scenic spots, and tourist areas. If loading and unloading operations or temporary parking in these areas are necessary, safety measures should be taken and the consent of the local public security department should be obtained.
Attention to cleaning: After unloading hazardous materials, the residue on the vehicle should be cleaned. Vehicles and tools contaminated with hazardous materials must be washed and disinfected.
The above content is sourced from Souhang Network