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Dangerous goods import and export bright card

[点击量:829]    [来源:www.adp.com.cn]
There are many kinds of chemical products, including dangerous goods and dangerous chemicals. Before the import and export of chemical products, we must first confirm whether our products belong to dangerous goods or dangerous chemicals!
Dangerous goods refer to those substances or articles that are harmful to human safety, public safety and environmental safety. These substances or articles have combustion, explosion, oxidation, toxicity, infectivity, radioactivity, corrosion, carcinogenesis and cell mutation, pollution of water and the environment and other hazards.
Hazardous chemicals refer to highly toxic chemicals and other chemicals that have the properties of poisoning, corrosion, explosion, combustion and combustion assistance and are harmful to human body, facilities and the environment. In the process of production, storage, transportation and use, dangerous goods and dangerous chemicals should not be treated as ordinary chemicals. Any negligence may lead to serious accidents and cause serious damage to people's property, human health and the environment.
1. Dangerous goods declaration according to law
(1) Dangerous goods
According to Article 17 of the Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law, "Enterprises producing packaging containers for the export of dangerous goods must apply to the commodity inspection authorities for performance appraisal of the packaging containers. Enterprises producing dangerous goods for export must apply to the commodity inspection authorities for an appraisal of the use of packaging containers. No dangerous goods shall be exported using packing containers that have not been certified and qualified."
Therefore, the packaging of dangerous export goods must be applied to the Customs for performance inspection and use identification!
(2) Dangerous chemicals
According to the provisions of Article 4 Paragraph 1 of the Regulations on the Implementation of the Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law of the People's Republic of China, "the entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities shall carry out inspection on the import and export commodities listed in the list and other import and export commodities subject to inspection by the Entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations (hereinafter referred to as statutory inspection)."
According to Article 6 Paragraph 3 of the Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals, "quality supervision, inspection and quarantine departments... Responsible for the inspection of import and export of hazardous chemicals and their packaging."
Second, how to judge dangerous goods
The goods listed in the United Nations Model Proposed Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG) are dangerous goods; The commodities listed in our catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals (latest edition) are all hazardous chemicals.
However, the above items are complicated and sometimes difficult to grasp. You can apply to a qualified agency for hazardous characteristics identification report, and identify the hazardous characteristics of dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals at the same time.
That is, the import and export of dangerous chemicals belong to the statutory inspection scope, and the above "quality supervision, inspection and quarantine department" is the customs.
According to the provisions of Article 1 of the General Administration of Customs' Announcement on the Inspection and Supervision of the Import and Export of Hazardous Chemicals and Their Packaging (Announcement [2020] 129), "The Customs shall carry out inspection on the import and export of hazardous chemicals listed in the National Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals (the latest edition).
Therefore, the import and export of dangerous chemicals must be declared to the customs!
3. Declare matters needing attention
(1) Consignee and agent
The consignee or his agent for the import of hazardous chemicals shall, in the declaration, fill in the information including the category of danger, the category of packaging (except bulk products), the United Nations Dangerous Goods Number (UN number), the United Nations Dangerous Goods Packing mark (except bulk products), etc. The following materials shall also be provided:
a Declaration of Compliance for Enterprises Importing Hazardous Chemicals;
b For products requiring the addition of inhibitors or stabilizers, the name, quantity and other information of the actual addition of inhibitors or stabilizers shall be provided;
c Samples of hazard publicity label in Chinese (except bulk products) and safety data sheet in Chinese.
(2) Consignor and agent
The consignor or his agent for the export of hazardous chemicals shall provide the following materials when applying to the Customs for inspection:
a Compliance Statement of Enterprises Producing Export Hazardous Chemicals;
b Packing Performance Inspection Results of Outbound Goods (except bulk products and dangerous goods packing exempt from international regulations);
c Classification and identification report of hazardous characteristics;
d Hazard publicity label (except for bulk products), safety data sheet sample, in case of foreign samples, the corresponding Chinese translation shall be provided;
e For products requiring the addition of inhibitors or stabilizers, information such as the name and quantity of the actual added inhibitors or stabilizers shall be provided.
The above content is from the 12360 Customs hotline