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Container loading skills, do you understand?

[点击量:317]    [来源:www.adp.com.cn]


I. Precautions for mixed loading
When exporting, the main concerns of enterprises in the loading process are cargo data error, cargo damage and data inconsistent with the declaration data, which will lead to the customs will not release. Therefore, before loading, shipper, warehouse and forwarder must coor
dinate carefully to avoid this situation.
1. Goods with different shapes and packages should not be packed together as far as possible;
2, from the packaging will ooze dust, liquid, moisture, odor and other goods, as far as possible do not put together with other goods. "If you have to, use canvas, plastic sheeting or other materials." "Said Cheng Qiwei.
3. Light weight goods are placed on top of relatively heavy weight goods;
4. The goods with weak packing strength should be placed on the goods with strong packing strength;
5. Liquid goods and clean goods should be placed under other goods as far as possible;
6. Goods with sharp corners or protruding parts shall be covered to avoid damage to other goods
Two, container loading skills
There are usually three methods for on-site packing of container goods: manual packing, forklift truck (forklift) moving into the box, manual stacking and mechanical packing, such as pallet (pallet) forklift truck piling in the box.
1. In any case, when the goods are loaded into the container, the weight of the goods in the box shall not exceed the maximum loading capacity of the container, that is, the total amount of containers minus the weight of the container. Generally, the total weight and dead weight will be marked on the door of the container.
2, the unit weight of each container is certain, so when the same goods are loaded in the box, as long as you know the density of goods, you can determine whether it is heavy or light goods. Cheng Qiwei said that if the cargo density is greater than the unit weight of the box is heavy cargo, otherwise it is light cargo. It is important to distinguish these two cases timely and clearly to improve the efficiency of packing.
3. When loading, the load at the bottom of the container should be balanced, especially the load center of gravity should be strictly prohibited at one end.
4. Avoid concentrated load. "Such as in the loading of heavy goods such as mechanical equipment, the bottom of the box should be covered with wood and other liner materials, as far as possible to disperse the load. The average safe load per unit area on the bottom of a standard container is approximately 1330x9.8N/m for a 20-foot container and 980x9.8N/m2 for a 40-foot container.
5. When using manual loading, pay attention to whether there are loading and unloading indications such as "not upside down", "flat", "vertical" on the packaging. Be sure to use loading tools correctly. Do not use hand hooks for baling. The goods in the cases should be packed neatly and tightly. Easy to loose and pack fragile goods, use padding or insert plywood between goods to prevent goods from moving in the box.
6. When loading pallets, it is necessary to know exactly the internal size of containers and the external size of goods packaging, so as to calculate the number of goods loaded, so as to minimize the purpose of abandoning and loading more goods.
7. When packing the forklift truck, it will be limited by the free lifting height of the machine and the height of the door frame. Therefore, if conditions permit, forklift packing can be loaded two layers at a time, but the upper and lower to leave a certain gap. If conditions do not permit the loading of two layers at a time, when loading the second layer, taking into account the free lifting height of the fork loader and the possible lifting height of the fork loader door frame, the lifting height of the door frame shall be the first layer of cargo minus the free lifting height, so that the second layer of cargo can be loaded on the third layer of cargo.
In addition, the forklift truck with an ordinary lifting weight of 2 tons is generally used, and its free lifting height is about 1250px. But there is also a fork loading truck with full free lifting height. This kind of machine is not affected by the lifting height of the door as long as the height of the box allows, and it can easily load two layers of goods. In addition, it should be noted that the cargo should be lined with bedding wood so that the fork can be drawn out smoothly.
Finally, the goods had better not be naked, at least have packaging, do not blindly save space and lead to damage to the goods. General goods will also have packaging, only such as large machines such as boilers, building materials and so on will be more troublesome, must be tied up, tied to prevent loose. In fact, as long as you are careful, you won't go too far.
The above content is from Sohang net