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Congratulations to ADP International Logistics Group for successfully passing the supplier qualification review of China National Nuclear Corporation

[点击量:1067]    [来源:www.adp.com.cn]

From May 31 to June 2, 2021, China National Nuclear Corporation commissioned a third-party audit agency, Xingyuan Certification Center, to enter ADP to conduct a supplier qualification review. During the review period, the review team conducted a comprehensive review of the company's business reputation and social responsibility, service quality, technical capabilities, financial status, and quality assurance capabilities.

After a three-day comprehensive and systematic review by the Xingyuan Certification Center, ADP has fulfilled the trust and trust of China National Nuclear Corporation. It successfully passed the supplier qualification review and was successfully recommended as a "Qualified Supplier of China National Nuclear Corporation" and awarded Qualified supplier certificate.

The successful passing of China National Nuclear Corporation’s supplier review is the result of the concerted efforts of ADF Import and Export and the Group’s Administration Department, Finance Department, Human Resources Department, Supplier Management Department, Business Integrated Management Department, and Information Department.

ADP will use this as an opportunity to seize the opportunity to develop nuclear power project transportation in the industry, build a professional platform, and provide customers with one-stop, professional nuclear power project logistics service solutions in the future. At the same time, the company encourages all units to learn from the experience gained in this review, to lay the foundation for future cooperation with more large enterprises, and to continue to move forward on the road to strengthen the group.