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Yadong won the title of Excellent Supplier of Shanghai Huali 2020

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On March 29, 2021, Shanghai Huali Minister Hu Xiumei and Section Chief He Ruiqing visited our company and presented the Shanghai Huali 2020 Excellent Supplier Trophy to Yadong.


Yadong International Logistics-Shanghai Huali 2020 Excellent Supplier Trophy


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"Shanghai Huali" is composed of Shanghai Huali Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huali Phase I") and Shanghai Huali Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huali Phase II"). ) The backbone enterprise of the limited company. "Huali Phase I" has the first fully automatic 12-inch integrated circuit Foundry production line in mainland China, with a technology level of 55-40-28 nanometers. With the strong support of the state and Shanghai, the "Phase II of Huali" started the second upgrade and transformation of the "909 Project" in 2016-Huali 12-inch advanced production line project, which is one of the sub-projects of the national "910 Project". Major industrial projects and major projects in Shanghai during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period.

In 2020, Shao Hanbing, deputy manager of the Import Department of East Asia, undertook the project of customs declaration, warehousing, and transportation of products for one-day tours in Shanghai Huali Logistics Park to integrated circuit packaging and testing factories in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The project has a large operating difficulty coefficient and high timeliness requirements. It has encountered the new crown epidemic in 2020. The epidemic prevention measures in various provinces and cities are strict, and inter-provincial transportation is blocked. During the period, in order to ensure timely customs declaration and safe transportation of the original integrated circuits, Manager Shao immediately organized the senior business backbone of the department to form a joint project operation team, integrated multiple resources, designed a comprehensive transportation plan, opened up various channels, implemented one-stop services, and coordinated the team Cooperation, so that all links are linked together, multiple processes are seamlessly connected, and the entire process of goods receipt and transportation, warehousing, assembly, loading and unloading, customs declaration, and distribution is monitored and guaranteed, and delivered to customers in a timely and punctual manner, ensuring that customers’ The production and operation have been highly praised by Shanghai Huali, and the customer satisfaction has reached 100%.

As a logistics service provider of Shanghai Huali, Yadong is still able to provide customers with timely and safe logistics support during special periods. This fully reflects Yadong’s comprehensive capabilities and one-stop service model, as well as urgent customer needs and missions. Da’s sense of responsibility, give full play to the advantages of resources, play a comprehensive and systematic role with the integration and integration capabilities of resources, full-function connectivity, and continue to ensure the safety and stability of the supply chain. So far, Yadong has become an excellent supplier for many customers and has been well received. In the future, Yadong will aim to improve customer recognition and satisfaction, give full play to the comprehensive advantages of port logistics, and coordinate operations as a whole to provide customers with the best plan for complex needs and operational implementation capabilities, achieve one-stop service, and become more customers. A trusted partner who is advancing hand in hand.